As a lifetime resident of Milton I have experienced many changes and recently major growth. I’m always proud to say that despite the changes Milton has retained it’s small town charm and it’s friendly atmosphere. From the farmers market on a Saturday morning where residents gather to socialize and buy fresh produce to the numerous conservation areas we are certainly a family friendly community. I’m sure the overwhelming pride I have for my hometown is obvious and it’s why I feel so good about helping people to find their perfect home here. I have been selling real estate for 18 years and have been an award winner since the first year. My background prior to real estate was in health services where I worked as a dental hygienist for 20 years. Perhaps because of my health service years I bring a want to help you approach as opposed to a want to sell you something one. I am approachable, friendly and hard working (my small town roots showing) and am still very excited about and proud of my career. I have made many wonderful friends along the way and would love to help you find your perfect home or help you to sell the one you are in.