After being downsized from my job as a Mineral Analyst in the diamond industry in 2007, I jumped at the opportunity to pursue my dream of helping people find their home. By becoming a Realtor I committed myself to using my intelligence and passion for delivering a high level of customer service to help my clients not only find a home, but find the RIGHT home. My philosophy is always “I would rather show you 100 homes to find the right one than 10 to settle in a nice one”.
My educational background is Visual Arts. I graduated from Sheridan College in 1993 from the Interpretive Illustration programme with a major focus in Advertising and Editorial Illustration. This area of study forced me to look and see details in what i am doing, which is a vital part of being a Realtor! Four years after graduation I decided further my education where I received a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Studio Honors from Western University in London ON. This area of study taught me to think critically, argue my point and question everything! I am here to help!